Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Raspberry Pi Projects

What is a Raspberry pi..?

Raspberry Pi is a small size computer which was originally designed for education purposes. Raspberry Pi is surely slower than a desktop or laptop machine we get today, as it runs on comparatively less RAM & CPU resources.But is still a complete computer which has all the expected abilities that we find in a normal desktop or laptop computer. It is a single board computer developer in the UK by Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote teaching basic computer science in schools.

The original Raspberry pi model has become very popular today than what was anticipated. It is selling like hot cakes today, as it can be used for various purposes such as for robotics. We can use it to build our own custom media center, home automation kits, sophisticated toys etc...

Here we can see some of the projects I worked on with Raspberry pi, which you may find useful too if you like to work on such stuff.. :)

1) Google Assistant (AI) on Raspberry Pi
2) Amazon Echo on Raspberry Pi.
3) Home Automation with Raspberry Pi.

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