Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Nix Admin's Tool Kit

A Linux / Unix (Nix) admin may come across different types of issues on a day-to-day basis, and he should be well equipped with the required tools to handle them efficiently, and fast. Resolving any kind of issue at the fastest pace and in an effective manner will earn you a very good place in the organization. The IT industry also has a huge demand for such Nix admin's, with great caliber.

To be an efficient and best of class Nix admin, you should be acquainted with some very useful tools and should carry those with you everywhere.. Let us call this collection of commands & tools as "Nix admin's tool kit". You need not know all the tools, commands, or the OS kernel completely to be a good Nix admin, but you surely need to understand the basic concepts and have a handful of effective tools & powerful commands that can be very handy and helpful to handle troubleshoot most of the issues we face on a daily basis. Moreover, the rule of the world today is --- "Smart work pays off better than hard work.... "

Let us look into some of the most useful tools that are a must for any Nix admin. -- or Let us open the Nix Admin' Tool Box now.... :)

Let us look at some of the useful and powerful commands that can help us to troubleshoot issues:

  1. awk
  2. cat
  3. cd
  4. chage
  5. chattr
  6. chmod
  7. chown
  8. clear
  9. cp
  10. crontab
  11. date
  12. df
  13. du
  14. echo
  15. egrep
  16. env
  17. find
  18. finger
  19. free
  20. ftp
  21. grep 
  22. gunzip
  23. gzip
  24. halt
  25. head
  26. help
  27. history
  28. hostname
  29. htop
  30. ifconfig
  31. info
  32. iostat
  33. iotop
  34. ip address
  35. kill
  36. last
  37. lastlog
  38. less
  39. ln
  40. locate
  41. ls
  42. lsattr
  43. lsof
  44. man
  45. mkdir
  46. more
  47. mtr
  48. mv
  49. netstat
  50. nmap
  51. nslookup
  52. passwd
  53. ping
  54. ps
  55. pwd
  56. reboot
  57. rm
  58. rmdir
  59. route
  60. rsync
  61. sar
  62. scp
  63. sed
  64. service
  65. sftp
  66. sort
  67. sort
  68. ssh
  69. stty
  70. su
  71. sudo
  72. tail
  73. tar
  74. tcpdump
  75. top
  76. touch
  77. traceroute
  78. Uptime
  79. users
  80. vi
  81. view
  82. vim
  83. visudoo
  84. vmstat
  85. w
  86. wc
  87. which
  88. who
  89. whoami
  90. whois

Now let us see some very useful tools which can make a Linux Admin's life easy:
  • Newrelic
  • Statuspage.io
  • Statuscast
  • monitor.us
  • JIRA
  • Confluence
  • Uptime.ly
  • Zabix
  • Zapier
  • Wireshark
  • Gitlab
  • Gliffy (org chart tool)